26 Okt. YesValue+ Veränderung ist alles, alles verändert sich.
YesValue+ Change is everything, Everything changes....
YesValue+ Change is everything, Everything changes....
See you soon at SAEED HALL STAND S2-C5318 – 20 September 2017 Have you already planned your visit to the exhibition? Come and see us to find out what’s new! If you want to already fix your meeting, please contact send an email at info@yesovens.com or contact us at mob. ph. +39 335 5831458....
Discover the new works of art for contemporary kitchen. You can be the first to see them at Host Milan from October 20_24 2017. What would you realize with an even bigger Ego?And with a compact one? Real artists never settle. For this reason, our Team studies new...
Il Campionato Mondiale 2017 di Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria, indetto ogni due anni da FIPCG (Federazione Italiana Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria), si terrà tra pochi giorni all’interno di HostMilano 2017 presso Host Fiera Milano di Rho. L’edizione di quest’anno di HostMilano, la fiera leader mondiale dell’ospitalità a 360...
I piatti più delicati e le cotture più raffinate, con il miglior risultato e il minor calo di peso del prodotto. La cottura in Delta T, cioè basata sul differenziale (delta) di temperatura (T) è una particolare tecnica di cottura che usa una sonda per mantenere...
Anche quest’anno, Host Milano è stato un grande successo per Yesovens.L‘edizione 2017 è stata davvero incredibile per noi e siamo molto orgogliosi di questi 5 giorni di grande soddisfazione.Vogliamo ringraziare tutti i numerosi visitatori per aver condiviso il loro tempo e averci dato feedback così...
January 20-24 2018 Hall B2 - Stand 026 Latest technologies and innovative solutions for high quality catering industry will wait for you at Yesovens booth during the 39th International Exhibition dedicated to Artisan Gelato, Confectionery, Pastry and Bakery production and the Coffee sector. Sigep is the extraordinary showcase...
Belgrade, February 22-25 On February 22-25 is taking place the Belgrade Tourism Fair Sajam Turizma, the most important meeting point for business in South Eastern Europe for the Tourism Industry. Since 2005 both the Catering Equipment Fair HORECA and the BEO Wine Fair have been part...
It’s during overcharged moments that we can see the strength of those who work with us. Ego Special is Yesovens latest product we successfully presented at Host Milan exhibition and it will be the main attraction in Sigep 2018: 16 and 20 trays combi-ovens which are...
STAR vs fügassa, the genovese focaccia A two-centimetres flat bread baked in an oven or in embers: it’s the Genoese fügassa. The origin of the recipe goes back to 16th century: a soft, crunchy and crumbly focaccia - shiny for the use of extra virgin olive...